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Transformation Beyond Imagination

Empowering Vision

Welcome to a visionary journey that transcends boundaries and ignites the power of collective imagination. Our community is embarking on a bold revitalization plan for the Empire Corridor in Benton Harbor, that envisions a neighborhood transformed into a vibrant haven for all. Together, we will unlock the limitless potential of our streets, homes, and hearts, redefining what’s possible for our beloved neighborhood.


At the heart of our revitalization journey lies a deep commitment to creating a neighborhood that thrives on diversity, equity, and opportunity. Our mission is to cultivate a sense of pride and belonging among residents, foster sustainable & equitable development, and empower each individual to become an active architect of positive change.


Imagine a neighborhood where every corner brims with life, where art breathes inspiration into every space, and where green oases welcome all to connect with nature. Envision a place where opportunity knocks on every door, where businesses flourish, and residents thrive in a safe and caring community. This is the future we aspire to bring to life – a transformation beyond imagination.

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Your gift helps us build community-centered programs for residents and harness our collective power to consciously address issues of systemic inequity.